My posts have been hijacked by life. There have been so many wonderful things happening, and there have been some not so wonderful things (nothing big, just the usual black cloud of sickness that looms in the winter). I just have not had the time nor energy to sit down and write.
Today, it is freezing outside, like NY cold. Logan is getting over pinkeye (yikes!) and is watching “Tangled” for the millionth time, Jack is playing with a friend, and Wes is helping David with his latest project. It’s the perfect time for me to sit down and focus. I’ve already worked out (thanks Burn!), and am sitting here with my Arbonne Herbal Detox Tea (30 Days to Healthy Living here we come again!) So, here it goes…

2018 was the year of the Art Show for fundraising for PTHS research. In September my cousin worked his magic and was able to have us piggy back on another fundraiser for Childhood Cancer Society. David and I got to escape to NYC for the night, and Jack made his debut into the art world! Read all about it here.

Then, later in the fall my sweet and super talented niece, Lindsay, put on an art show for her senior project. All proceeds went to Pitt Hopkins! It was incredible, and I was amazed at all of the talent. We came away with some fantastic pieces. To see, click here.
Other than that, we had a great holiday season. Well, our Halloween was one we will never forget, thanks to a trip to the ER with Wes to get an EpiPen. Super fun. Curse you nut allergies! Then we had a big snow that kept the kids out of school for daaaaaayyys! Christmas and NYE were great and filled with family and friends. Britt, my little sister, came up from FL with her family, and we couldn’t have been happier. Well, we would be happier if they moved back here! Oh, and I turned the big 4-0 in October. David surprised me with way too much…he had my two best friends come in to town to surprise me with a day of pampering, then through me a surprise party at one of my favorite places downtown. Well done, SL!

Logan has had some interesting viruses that, in total, has kept her out of school for 2 weeks! Talk about stressful times for all! My hands still haven’t recovered from all of the laundry, hand washing, sanitizing and cleaning. If one were to guess my age by just looking at them, they’d easily guess early 80’s. Yessss. I decided it was time to get back into the habit of using my natural remedies to ward off such sickness. The last time we had this black cloud over us, I became so desperate that I smudged the house to get rid of the germs. I was told it was considered a sin, but was certain it helped get the yuck out of the air that my diffuser just couldn’t reach. I wasn’t chanting anything or praying to any gods. Just coughing from the smoke and wondering if I was going to set off the smoke alarms. Well, I’m at that point once again, did my research, and am going to attempt to make my own smudge stick so I can safely (sin free) clear the air. We’ll see how that one works.
Hopefully 2019 will give me some fantastic things to write about…and the time and energy to do so. Here’s to a healthy, happy and productive year!
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