I’m going to let you in on one of my all time favorite finds. I wish I found this company years ago, especially in my 20’s. It is the one product that makes me feel like I am back in the ocean or by the sea. The products are amazing…they are 100 % natural, non-toxic, vegan and gluten free. And…they do exactly what they claim to do! That, my friends, is very hard to find.

OSEA Malibu. Unless you live in CA, or frequent upscale spas you may have never heard of them. They have a strong celebrity following, like Olivia Wilde and Jessica Biel (I follow her Instagram, and this is how I found out about it!), but they are not over saturating the beauty magazines. This is why I feel like it’s a rare gem. Have you ever noticed that the best products are the ones that aren’t plastered everywhere?!
What I like best about this line are the ingredients. They are safe and do not have anything harmful. What we put on our skin is just as important as what we put in our bodies. I started using this line when I was pregnant with Wes. We did not have any answers to Logan’s delays at that time, and I started to wonder if any of my mainstream beauty products that I was using over the years were to blame. I threw all of those away and stocked up on OSEA. I am SO happy I did! I have not turned back. I can honestly say that these products do their job!
There are so many other things that are heavenly about OSEA! Every single product smells clean and fresh. They are light, but luxurious! And, the bottles are so pretty. Very clean and simple. There is a product for every skin type too! Here are my favorites:
This is one of their classics, and for good reason! Made of rich minerals, proteins and vitamins, this cleanser gently removes what needs to go! It leaves a clean, energized surface for moisturizers or serums. This smells divine!
This is the fountain of youth! It basically helps to regrow collagen, all while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It is rich, but not in a heavy way. I do not have dry skin at all, and this has never ever felt greasy or too much. It’s great at night, and gives an extra glow in the morning. Since becoming a mom I’ve developed lines and wrinkles…all of which I’m sure came from all of the faces I make to entertain the wee ones! This moisturizer continues to turn back the clock for me. It is a bit pricey, but I’ve had the same jar for almost a year! I use it on Logan too when she is hanging out with me while I get ready. Her skin is absolutely perfect to begin with, and this makes it sooooo soft!
I use this deep cleansing, gentle exfoliating mud once a week. I actually like to let it sit on my skin for a few minutes. It has tea tree and peppermint oils, which gives your skin a fresh, tingly feel. It’s awesome in the winter…clears up your sinuses in no time!
This is my go to in the summer! It’s a light, hydrating mist that refreshes your face while stimulating cell renewal. The Pomegranate Extract boosts collagen, and the Red Wine Extract actually has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties! It’s also great for skin irritations. I spray it on Wes and all of his itchy spots. Jack likes it too. Logan is on the fence…she’s not a fan of light misting in her face. Now send a big splash her way and she is one giggly chick!
I have yet to try all of their products, but I’ve been keeping my eye on some of them. As I was writing the draft to this post I contacted OSEA to see if I could use some of their images. I told them how much I loved their products, and how I loved that I could use them on everyone in the family. I got a response within hours! Not only were they extremely kind and helpful, but they asked to look at my blog (didn’t include the link in my original email…d’oh!). The next day I got an email from them and fell further in love with their company. They loved the blog, and Logie Poo! And…they offered to send me their Anti-Aging Body Balm (on my list!!!) to try, specifically on Wes. Wow!!! It gets better. I received the package within a few days, and they sent more products to try! I was floored that they did this. How nice and generous is that?!!
They sent an Anti-Aging Body Balm, Undaria Argan Oil, some samples and another bottle of the Sea Vitamin Boost, which I had ran out of and only had the travel size left! I cannot tell you how happy I felt, and how great my skin is feeling at this very moment. The Body Balm is working wonders on Wes’s eczema! I took a before picture and will take an after in a few days. It’s amazing so far! The Argan Oil is something I would have never thought would work for my oily/combo skin, but this may be my favorite so far. I’ll keep you posted on these and let you know how they are holding up.
If you’ve tried OSEA I’d love to hear your thoughts! Especially on products I’ve yet to test out. If you’ve never tried them but would like to, they have a great return policy…even if you’ve used it!