Whenever we feel any kind of sickness coming on, this is what we turn to first. I do my best to arm our family with things like daily vitamins, elderberry syrup and essential oils, but sometimes I just can’t keep up with it all every day. Ok, if I’m being honest, I’m lucky if I remember to swipe some oils or stick spoons of syrup in their mouths a few times a month.
This is super easy to make and keeps in the fridge for a good amount of time. When we are sick I find myself making a couple of batches throughout the month…to fight the yuck and keep the yuck away from the healthies. And, it tastes good! A shot in the morning and night is all you need. If you have any type of throat irritation going on, you can FEEL the elixir doing it’s magic!

2 cups coconut water (Vita Coco is my go to)
About 1 inch ginger root
About 2 inches of tumeric root (dried is fine too, 1tsp)
Juice of 1 lemon, or a few drops of lemon essential oil
Dash of sea salt
Splash of apple cider vinegar
2 TBS honey (Manuka is preferred)
*optional: 1-2 drops oregano oil – this is super powerful and not very pleasant to taste, but boy does it work!
- Combine coconut water, ginger and tumeric in a blender and blend until smooth. I LOVE my Ninja one!
- Strain into a mason jar. Be careful…the tumeric will stain!
- Add in the rest of the ingredients, put the lid on the jar and shake. Transfer to another glass container that will be easy to pour into glasses. You do not want a mess with the tumeric.