Logan is becoming quite the pro at sporting event appearances! This past weekend she was asked to be a part of the Durham Bulls game, which was being sponsored by UNC’s Children’s Research Institute. She was chosen to receive the game ball along with UNC’s new Chair of Pediatrics, Dr. Stephanie Davis. How cool is that?!
We live in Durham, and David grew up here. Some of his most favorite and vivid memories are going to Bulls games at their original field (the one in the movie, “Bull Durham”), so this is super special to us. Plus, we LOVE going to games! The Bulls are awesome and we go any chance we get. Who doesn’t love going to a game, getting some hot dogs (or tacos from Gonza!) and cheering on your home team!?
As soon as we were asked I didn’t hesitate to say yes. We will take any opportunity to spread awareness and doing something fun! I’ll be honest, I was a bit nervous before it all. The last game we took Logan to was a couple of years ago for their Star Wars night (that was pure bliss for Jack!), and it was hit or miss with her. I never really know how she will do with crowds and chaos…add heat to that and it’s a complete gamble.

Thankfully she LOVED it! We sat behind home plate, in the shade (!), and she could not get the smile off of her face! She got into the music and into the total chaos of the crowd going crazy for some home runs! After the 3rd inning we went onto the field, which was awesome. Jack plays baseball, and has been on that same field for his little league, so he was telling Logan all about it and what to expect. He was so excited to not just be on the field again, but for her to experience it.
I think she was a little anxious right before we went out. She kept squeezing me, and her breathing became faster. She knew something was about to happen! On the field she was very intrigued by what was going on behind her, so we didn’t get too many pics of her looking straight. She did look cute though! They gave her a super cool golden baseball, which is proudly displayed in her room. They also gave foul balls to Jack and Wes, which was awesome. Those are also proudly displayed.
Here is what was announced to the crowd:
“Logan is 6 years old. She is a local here from Durham, NC! She has been a patient at UNC Children’s Hospital for the past 4 years. She loves to do anything with her brothers, and loves to dance and swim. She also loves all things that are musical and, of course, the Durham Bulls. Joining Logan on field are her mom, dad, and 2 brothers. In honor of tonight’s game and all of her bravery, accepting the gameball is Logan Bomar! Presenting the game ball is Director of Corporate Partnerships, Nick Bavin. Thank you the Children’s Research Institute at UNC Health Care for all you do!”
It was an incredible night, and one that we will never forget. Thank you to UNC for asking us to join you, and thanks to the Durham Bulls for having us! Thanks also to AdSpice for creating our shirts in such a short amount of time!
And…the Bulls won!!!